20 opportunities available for artists, schools, cultural groups, historical groups and creative cooperatives to exhibit for a duration of 12 weeks at four Lake Mac Library branches, Belmont, Toronto, Charlestown and Swansea and within the newly created SEEN@Swansea exhibition space. The Lake Mac Libraries LaunchPAD spaces are free and offer quality public spaces designed for the presentation of paintings, prints, drawings and photographs. The locations and spaces are designed to make for easy installations and promote the visual arts within our City.

Also free is the SEEN@Swansea or the South East Exhibition Network space, a professional exhibition space for the presentation of our unique history, art, ideas and touring exhibitions.

The Application and Information forms include details and images of the spaces, conditions and times:

For more information please don’t hesitate in contacting:
· Cathy Shay; Branch Librarian, Swansea Library, 4921 0781, cshay@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
· Jo Smith, Manager Lake Mac Libraries, 4921 0078, josmith@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
· Jacqui Hemsley, Manager Cultural Services 4921 0411 jhemsley@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
· Julie Dunn, Lifelong Learning Officer, 4921 0463, jdunn@lakemac.lakemac.nsw.gov.au

Applications for both SEEN@Swansea and LaunchPAD close Monday, 11 December, 3pm