Octapod is holding a Community Forum at MRAG on Monday 9 May

This forum will bring together the arts and disability communities of Maitland to discuss access and inclusion in the arts within the context of the upcoming launch of the NDIS. This is an Auslan interpreted event.

The day aims to inspire individuals with and without disability as well as organisations from the arts and disability communities to support inclusive and accessible arts in Maitland.

Featuring presentations from the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), Accessible Arts, Octapod, Maitland Regional Art Gallery, Mai-Wel and Ability Links Maitland, this forum will offer information and resources about arts and disability as well as identify relevant local programs and services.

Community members who attend can expect to gain increased knowledge, understanding and connections to build their capacity to offer inclusive and accessible arts opportunities and experiences for people with disability.

WHEN: Monday 9th May, 10am-1pm including light lunch (Registration from 9.30am)

WHERE: Maitland Regional Art Gallery, 230 High St, Maitland

ACCESS: Maitland Regional Art Gallery is an accessible venue with accessible toilets. Reserved accessible parking available behind the Gallery. Auslan interpreted event.

RSVP and further information: For all inquiries or to register by 2nd May for catering purposes, please contact Justine Cogan at Octapod: access@octapod.org or call 4021 1605. Places limited.

If you live and/or work in the Maitland area or know anyone who does, your support in forwarding information about this free forum through your networks is much appreciated. Apologies for any cross-promotion.
