Free Art Friday - Newcastle on FacebookYes the movement has come to Newcastle.

The idea is to make a little piece of art (or big if you like!) package it up, hide it somewhere around Newcastle for a lucky punter to find.  You can really play up the treasure hunt side of this and leave clues on the Facebook page, and it would be best to make up some tags with your info as an artist, your website/facebook page and yes please include the Autumn Art Bazaar flyer!  It is a fun way to advertise yourself as an Artist and also have a bit of fun with making up the clues on where to find your art.

We will organise an awesome media release so would like some images of your artwork all packaged up ready to give away so they can print it on Friday 8th March and on NBN News on Thursday, then a follow up Friday.  Would be great to get some live blogging in the newspaper as people hide and find works!

Email with photos of your Art package and some clues.  Then go to the  Free Art Friday – Newcastle Facebook page and start loading the clues, and hide your work on Friday 8th March.

Fun, simple and altruistic.