Hunter Arts Network is proud to support Shop Small which is committed to supporting the thousands of small businesses that are the heartbeat of our great community. We’re encouraging you to shop at the small shops and businesses that make our neighbourhood a great neighbourhood, this November. This includes Hunter Arts Network’s Art Bazaar at Lambton Park, Cnr Howe & Morehead Sts, Lambton on Sunday 29 November 2015.

Shop Small is a movement dedicated to supporting the small business owners who do big things for customers and communities around Australia. You know the ones – the family businesses, the start-ups, the independents, the small businesses that give our neighbourhood its colour and its convenience.  It’s no secret that thriving local shops create thriving local communities, which in turn create local jobs.

Shop Small began as a one-day event in the United States five years ago is now a movement that has expanded across three continents.

This November, show the heart of our community some love.

Think big – Shop Small. Join the Shop Small movement.

To find out more, visit

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