A colourful display of knitting is taking place for Saturday’s Summer Art Bazaar at Civic Park, Newcastle.

The yarn bombing at the park will be in addition to all kinds of art, live music, loads of food & refreshments.

In preparation for Saturday there are already more than 200 pom-poms at Civic Park which is about 10 kilos of yarn.

The group who has been making the pom-poms & knitting since September are from Response & Employment Training at New Lambton who will also be having a stall at Art Bazaar. The installation includes a pom-pom tree & their participation shows that everyone is welcome and can contribute to community life. Response & Employment Training’s Group Recognition Pathway is a recognition assessment process that works with eligible organisations and their employees to align skills to qualifications. This flexibility makes it the ideal process to work with people who may be hesitant about formal assessment or have language or literacy needs.

The yarn bombing movement originated in 2005 in the USA.

For details about Response & Employment Training visit http://responsetraining.com.au/