When visiting Hunter Arts Network Art Bazaar please be mindful that due to new restrictions we will no longer have general seating available to ensure our resources are adequately creating COVID Safe environments.
There will be COVID Safe informational signage as well as hand sanitising stations around the venue in accordance with health departments. There will also be multiple information hubs throughout the venue for both stallholders and visitors.
This event will be conducted in accordance with State Government Health direction and our comprehensive approved COVID Safe Management Plan. Any necessary updates will be provided via our website here and in direct communication with ticket purchasers. Vulnerable persons should talk to their doctor about what is appropriate for them.
The wellbeing of our visitors, our stallholders and our committee remains one of Hunter Arts Network Art Bazaar priorities. We have put in place comprehensive measures to comply with Government guidelines and current public health advice. You may notice some big changes this year when booking, attending and interacting with our events. It is a condition of entry for all patrons that they agree to follow our COVID Safe protocols.
Please ensure you keep informed with up-to-the-minute COVID restrictions via the appropriate State Government website.
Please note that current health orders are mandated which means fines will be issued to stallholders and the markets if we do not abide by them. The current mandate states that all stallholders must be double vaccinated to attend and our understanding is that anyone visiting the event must also be double vaccinated. All stallholders, committee members, customers and any person who is eligible for Covid-19 vaccinations who will be attending the event must be fully vaccinated to attend Art Bazaar on Sunday 28 November unless exempt under the public health orders. We will be employing marshalls to check Covid-19 certificates and everyone who has been checked will then be easily identified (this method will be revealed upon arrival). Marshalls and committee members will also be easily visible in our new hi-vis vests. Please refer to below NSW Health orders from the NSW Health website:
These premises must be closed to unvaccinated adults:
– higher risk premises
– business premises that are hairdressers, spas, nail salons, beauty salons, waxing salons, tanning salons, tattoo parlours or massage parlours
– recreation facilities (indoors)
– public swimming pools
– information and education facilities
– retail premises, but not critical retail premises
– business premises that are auction houses (excluding agricultural auctions)
– business premises that are betting agencies
– gaming lounges
– markets that do not predominantly sell food
– properties operated by the National Trust or the Historic Houses Trust.
For more information visit https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/public-health-orders.aspx
Please note there are compulsory COVID-19 safety requirements for all stalls:
– If you are feeling unwell or experience flu-like symptoms, please stay at home.
– If you have visited a recently compromised venue or a ‘hot spot’ within the last 14 days, please stay at home.
– Please observe 1.5m distance from other stall holders or visitors at all times.
– As long as people observe the 1.5m rule wherever possible – walk in stalls are not permitted
– Please consider wearing a mask.
– Please provide hand sanitizer at your stall.
– Please clean touch points on your display area frequently.
– Please have in place your own COVID Safe Policy regarding the handling of your items, clearly displayed on your stall. For example, you might implement a no touching policy, or insist that customers sanitise their hands before and after handling your art.
– Please provide electronic payment options for contactless payment.