Become involved in your Network

Wednesday 11th March @ 6.00 p.m
Newcastle Surf Club – Newcastle Beach

Nibbles provided, drinks available from the bar

This information evening is an opportunity for HAN members to find out further information about Art Bazaar 2009 and receive the necessary documents to get involved. We are also interested in any feedback from last year’s event and will be there to answer any questions you may have.

Hunter Arts Network will also be conducting our AGM on this evening. Some committee positions will be vacated by long standing members and we are looking for fresh energetic people to fill these vacancies.

Listed below are the positions vacant:

  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Insurance/Public Officer
  • Website
  • Publicity Officer
  • Art Bazaar Coordinator

Obviously we need committee members to continue HAN and the Art Bazaar, so we ask that you seriously consider becoming involved, otherwise Art Bazaar might fall off the arts calender. If you would like to become more involved in HAN, please consider nominating for a position.

Please note that membership renewals are due now and can be paid now, or can also be paid due on the night.

For more information on what’s happening with HAN visit the website.

The Committee
Hunter Arts Network