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Hunter Arts Network Art Bazaar

Claire Locker-Potter


I was introduced to clay at Newcastle TAFE and loved the process of wh   eel throwing and handbuilding , I moved to Sydney where I completed the (Certificate in Ceramics. NSA. Certificate in Design. TAFE. Grad Dip Visual Arts. Monash Uni. Post Grad. Jaipur. India) has been involved in  my ceramic practice for more than 40 years teaching in TAFE colleges in Sydney, Mudgee, Dubbo and Newcastle.

Early in my potting career I worked mainly on the wheel making table ware for Galleries and shows, gradually I returned to decorating and soft slab technique still making functional pieces but my forms always seem to have a handle and spout, I love making pieces and putting them together.

I enjoy making teapots- and have made hundreds of them over the years feeding my desire for balance and form.

I work in paperclay, colouring the clay with slips before assembling into bowls, platters and teapots. I like beautiful colourful pieces that bring a smile to your face.