Applications due by Friday 11th September 2009

Application Form and Information – pdf

In 2009 the ART BAZAAR Arts & Crafts Street Market celebrates its seventh year of operation. It is the premier opportunity for local arts, craft and design practitioners and arts-related organisations to showcase their work, providing a broader view of the local arts industry for the people of the Newcastle/Hunter region.

Over the last 6 years ART BAZAAR has become a highly anticipated event for both the public and the participating stallholders. It has stimulated the arts community and increased public awareness of Newcastle’s diverse artistic culture, successfully displaying the many individuals, groups, organisations and businesses which foster and nurture this culture. This has included designers, educational institutions, specialist bookstores, art groups, works of public art, demonstrations, galleries plus of course the artists and craft practitioners.

Click here to see images from the 2008 Art Bazaar

The Market also represents an excellent opportunity for practitioners and organisations to develop professional networks which support the development of new work, broader audiences and marketing opportunities – all of which align directly with the objectives of HAN.

This is a tremendous opportunity for participants to market themselves and their work to a large audience at a time of year when this audience is really “in the mood” to buy!

Remember, you must be a member of HAN to participate in Art Bazaar. For information about joining the Hunter Arts Network and our membership form, visit our membership page.