At Cudgegong Gallery from Nov 20 to Jan 25

Group ceramics exhibition explores the everyday and beyond

In November, more than 30 ceramic artists will combine forces for a mammoth exhibition that will look at everyday ceramic ware and functional works with an interesting twist.

The exhibition, ‘A New Look – Functional Ceramics’, will show the work of 36 potters from around Australia who have been invited to show an example of their functional work, such as a cup, a dish or a vase. They have also been asked to take the form one step further and explore a new way of making a similar object, which will be presented alongside the original.

This large and challenging exhibition has been curated by Janet Mansfield, a well known and respected potter who has been in the industry for 40 years.

Ms Mansfield said that items of functional ceramics evolve as the world around us changes and she hopes that this exhibition will extend the vision of the potters and the viewing public about tablewares.

“There is a continuing challenge to make functional work that is contemporary and reflects the needs of society today,” said Ms Mansfield.

“Sometimes changes occur slowly but the needs of a society can be identified through the pottery created in a particular time period – this has been the case for thousands of years, with pottery reflecting the time and beliefs of a certain civilisation.

“That’s why this exhibition will be so interesting – not only will it show us the ceramics that are defining our time, it will also push artists to think imaginatively.

“Sometimes new ideas do not work for the potters, or the public, but it is important to stretch oneself creatively.”

Each piece will be individual, reflecting the interests of each potter, ranging from brightly coloured earthenware to more traditional stoneware and rugged wood-fired works.

“No doubt there will be some social commentary, some narrative works where there is a story to tell and some that take the traditional into unexpected realms.”

A New Look – Functional Ceramics runs from November 20 – January 25 2010. For more information contact Cudgegong Gallery on 02 6374 1630 or visit Opening hours are 10am-5pm every day at 102 Herbert St, Gulgong NSW.