‘Unknownlands’ references the lack of knowledge about women who painted landscape before World War II, and their many works of art that are either missing or hidden in collections around the world. Their work exists in private collections, museums and galleries but even in exhibitions of women’s art, it is rare to see landscape art. The imagery of these thirty-two drawings in pencil and ink encompasses both the features of the landscape and corporeality of the women who painted it. ‘Core imagery’ a term coined during the women’s liberation movement of the 1960’s, to 80’s, uses representations of the vulva and/or vagina, and was seen as an expression of women’s power. The exhibition includes a spreadsheet listing artists who are women practising pre-1950, including biographical information, that allows access to groups of artists by their practice, genre, school, dates etc, not by their names alone.
20 Auckland Street, Newcastle
Wednesday – Friday 11am-5pm
Saturday 12-4 pm