Theme: artwork of 15cm
Travel from the lighthouse and riverside towns to the rich pasturelands and the forests, to the lakes, waterfalls and mountains. Visit the industries of steel, of manufacturing and coal and onto the wineries and horse studs. Walk the forest trails and sanctuaries and view the wildflowers in bloom returning to the ocean over the sandhills. Our towns, our lifestyle and our people.
Artists: Andrew Clarke, Olivia Hamilton, Margaret McBride, Sharyn Lowe, Anne Gazzard, Skye Stephenson, Maureen Lindus, Lara O’Donoghue, Janet Graham,
Denise Spalding, Gianna Fallavollita, Laraine Palmer, Briety Dorahy, Sharon Taylor, Jane Blackall, Debra Gluszek, Vanessa Turton, Anne-Maree Hunter, Amity Slockee, Varelle Hardy, Jacquie Garcia, Diane Scorse, Tara Mann, Sylvia Ray, Felicity Howard.
Exhibition dates 29 July –14 August 2022
57 Bull St, Cooks Hill