Open from 12 Feb – 28 Feb 2016

To be opened by Katherine Heinrich on Friday  12 February at 6pm.

Back to Back galleries presents a fascinating new exhibition featuring the work of five local female artists.

Early in 2014 a group of artists met to discuss the possibilities of creating new works in response to the title of a recent release by the Australian songwriter and musician Paul Kelly: Conversations with Ghosts.

“Artists have always had a strong connection with those who have gone before them,” Gina McDonald explained, hoping this suggestion would resonate with those involved. And it did.

“Everyone chose very different methods, either extending from the work created by their “ghost” or exploring their subject matter.  It’s a powerful way to engage with another artist, momentarily looking through their eyes.”

Valé Zakarauskas (prints, artist books, installation) – Vale’s love of colour has drawn her to the work of Australian artist, John Coburn.

Penny Wilson (prints, artist books, installation) – Penny has chosen J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851) as her ghost, having been drawn to the movement and moods brought about by his use of colour and light and by his relationship with the sea.

Sally Picker  (ceramics, installation) – Sally is a lace addict, using lace images in painting, printing and ceramics and has been inspired by Peter Paul Ruben who painted intricate lace collars and cuffs in his portrait works.

Sue Stewart (ceramics, installation) – Sue’s influential ‘Ghost’ is Gwynn Hanssen Piggott, who was influenced by Georgio Morandi.

Gina McDonald  (prints) – Gina has been drawn to the work of Bronwyn Oliver (1959-2005), Australian sculptor.
