Laraine is a graduate of the University of Newcastle, holding a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours, with a focus on Visual Arts and fibre textiles. Laraine holds a Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training.

Laraine has painted in both oils and acrylics and likes to experiment with combinations of unusual blended backgrounds. She then adds to these with the pallet knife and a thicker paint. Laraine has been painting with Oils since she was a teen and only took up acrylics seriously while at University. She experimented with acrylic paints and uses them the same way as she uses oil paint.

Laraine has painted all kinds of images including abstract images based on feelings, music and senses rather than creating something realistic and is able to teach various techniques. Lessons are conducted at Adamstown and Elermore Vale where the venues have easy access.

Laraine is an experienced and award winning art exhibitor, particularly in areas associated with ‘Waste as Art Competition’ and the facilitation of projects with recycled materials. Overall winner of the 2002 ‘Waste as Art Competition’ and awarded certificates in other years and she was runner-up in the 2009 Wearable Art section.
Laraine practices art professionally from her Studio at the Newcastle Community Arts Centre. Her art skills and experiences include teaching children (including preschoolers) and adults; Curating Exhibitions; basic pottery; the use of computers to assist the creative arts; community arts and cultural development outreach activities are other activities in which she has been involved.
While she was being treated for Breast Cancer in 2009 Laraine had phased down her art classes down but is now back and there are places available for new students as she regains her strength.
Art Classes
Art classes run all year from mid to early February until mid December. Classes run through all other school holidays but not public hollidays and parents or grandparents can bring their arty children along to paint with them during these holidays.
Art classes are open to all ages and abilities, male or female – everyone brings all their own equipment including a cover for their table and a coffee mug.
Oil painters please use non toxic mediums not low odour turps.
Tea or coffee supplied as well as some biscuits.
I teach oils and acrylics – students are asked to bring a photo (anything – their choice) they can paint from memory or I can supply some photos or books to resource ideas from. I do not set exercises for students to do unless they ask for them and I teach them as they go at what ever they want to paint.
If students are not sure what medium they wish to use I can supply either oils or acrylics for them to try if I am contacted to request this.
Classes in Adamstown are at the Adamstown Combined Pensioners Hall at 153a Brunker Road on Wednesdays from 9am to 12 noon and the cost is $15. Enter from Narara Street.
Classes in Elermore Vale are at Elermore Vale Community Centre, 129 Croudace Road. Elermore Vale on Fridays from 9.30am to 12.30pm and the cost is $15. There is a car park in front of the hall.
Contact Laraine Palmer:
Mobile: 0417 998 321
Home: 02 4960 1524
Email: Arts4u_laraine@yahoo.com.au