I have been painting and teaching Acrylic Art for over 25 years.
Always finding new inspiration every day, from our beautiful Lake Macquarie with never ending sunsets ,boats and birds to the amazing array of flowers that we grow in Australia.
I have traveled to teach around Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania and spent a few years recently living in the USA where I had the pleasure of teaching and had a studio in down town Wilmington North Carolina for 12 months.

I mainly paint scenery and floral’ s on canvas, wooden doors, fabric and furniture.
Have rested a few times from painting and end up bored and longing to create so don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop.
I’m now living at Bolton Point near the water once again so will never run out of inspiration to paint.

Website: www.deboerdesigns@weebly.com
https://www.facebook.com/KathrynsArtandHomeDecor/I also sell my work online https://bluethumb.com.au/kathryn-deboer-ipsenI Can also be contacted by email at Kathryndeb@gmail.com