Located in HolmesvilleInstragram: http://www.instagram.com/fancynancyceramicsFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/fancynancyceramicsEtsy: www.etsy.com/shop/fancynancyceramics.Magazine Article….
Bio:I took my first ceramics lesson in 2016 when I lived in Sydney with some friends and got hooked straight away and haven’t looked back.I loved creating something that has a purpose, which has drawn me to create functional ceramics pieces. Something that has its own spot in your cupboard but spends most of its time in the dishwasher because you use it so often..
After my first year of night classes I bought myself a wheel for home and found somewhere to fire my work, and that was it, I was in the garage every night on the wheel honing in my skills. Constantly creating meant that I was constantly evolving….For the first couple of years my whole family got pottery for christmas! Then one year I still have some left over so I decided to start selling. Once I had my pieces on a market table it was clear that I needed to define my style and create a body of work that looked cohesive..
…From then on I’ve been creating and evolving and I’ll probably never stop. I love sharing what I am creating and love experimenting with difference processes. My favourite thing is to sit on the wheel and throw a big run of the same piece and build up my muscle memory..