Newcastle based Artist ELLEN HOWELL will be running a Mixed Media Workshop during May.

Learn to how to marry the latest computer techniques with traditional pastels to create vibrant, original artwork.

The workshop is to be held over 4 sessions over 4 weeks.

  • Dates: May 5, 12, 19 & 26
  • Times: 10am-2pm
  • Cost: $220 for the 4 sessions. I supply all tools and some materials, but an additional materials list will be provided on booking. Morning tea is provided, but please bring your own lunch.
  • Deposit: $50 non-refundable deposit payable per person to secure booking.
  • P: 02 4962 5575
    M: 0428 238 378
    Each workshop has a minimum of 4 particpants and a maximum of 6.
    Book early to reserve a place.

Workshop Details

Day 1 – Introduction to mixing techniques. Creating the right digital shot, then download to Photoshop and start playing.

Day 2 – Work on your image. How to see the finished picutre and work backwards to create what you want.

Day 3 – Print your image and start to work in pastels. How to make more of pastels.

Day 4 – Does your picture need charcoal? Ink? Graphite? How to “complete” your picture and where to go from there!

Using the knowledge of my 30 plus years as a designer, I combine commercial techniques and fine art practices in my artwork. This workshop will give you a starting point, and open your imagination to the possibilities that today’s technology combined with traditional methods, allows.

The workshop will be held in my Tighes Hill Studio, to allow the use of my computer and high end fine art printer. Secure your place now, as I will only work with a maximum of 6 people at a time.