Saturday 16 March 2013 11am – 3pm
27 Popran Road, Adamstown

Free entry

Demonstrations of printmaking techniques
Opportunity to try printmaking first hand
Chat with and discover how local artists work
Find out what’s on offer in your community
Original artworks available to purchase

Light refreshments available

Newcastle Printmakers Workshop was established over 30 years ago and provides facilities for the community to learn about printmaking as well as being home for around 80 enthusiastic artists.

The workshop building was constructed in approx 1965 and members are required to maintain it, receiving no government or council support.

The open day is being held in order to raise awareness of the facilities the workshop provides and to raise funds for essential repairs,

Donations can be made directly or via

About Newcastle Printmakers:

Newcastle Printmakers Workshop, established in 1979, has around 80 enthusiastic local printmakers. The workshop, based in Adamstown, is a not for profit organisation, and has provided local practicing artists, students and beginners with access to equipment and workshop space for over 32 years.

Membership of the Newcastle Printmakers Workshop is open to anybody interested in printmaking and offers workshops for those who hope to learn and develop new skills and meet other members of the local printmaking community.

Contact Details:
Amanda Donohue 02 4942 6541