Would you like to know more about printmaking?
Book yourself into a workshop & come along to the
Newcastle Printmaker’s Workshop in Adamstown.
Enjoy the day creatively with other artists!
NPW is offering workshops on Saturdays in a variety of media. These are an opportunity to learn new skills and meet other members of the Newcastle Printmakers. Create original handmade prints!
All Workshops – 10 am to 4 pm on specified dates
Cost of Workshop $80 plus materials [some materials are provided]
Workshops held at 27 Popran Rd Adamstown [except where noted]
1. Image making with screenprinting with Lynne Britten
Saturday 30 April
Phone Lynne on 4943 8808 [BH] to book.
Learn some simple but very effective techniques such as baby powder & cold wax to create images on the screen. Some screen printing knowledge is required. This workshop will be held at Lynne’s Factory at 8/9 Arnhem Close Gateshead.
2. COLLAGRAPHS with Valé Vincent
Saturday 21 May
Phone Valé on 0423 496 752 or 4957 0743 to book.
Students will create a number of simple plates collaging low relief materials glued on a cardboard base plate as well as stripping back layers. Plates are inked intaglio or relief, or both. Chine Collé is also covered. Collagraph, a safer alternative to printmaking and a great course for beginners.
3. ALUMINIUM ETCHING with Megan Lewis
Saturday 4 June
Phone Megan on 4963 1682 to book.
The safer alternative to etching using aluminium plate and copper sulphate, Megan demonstrates sugar lift and line work processes. Rich aquatints are achieved without the use of resin.
4. Framing techniques with Rieteka Geurson
Saturday 18 June
Phone Rieteka on 4969 2047 to book .
Add value to your art through correct framing. The focus will be on which materials to use, techniques & matt cutting to achieve optimum presentation & conservation.
I am interested in any fabric printing workshops you may have running through your organisation. Can you please keep me up to date with print making workshops which may be relevant to fabric.
Big thanks
Nina x
I am also interested in fabric printing techniques of all kinds. Is there a program for 2011? Thanks, Libby
hi, i was wondering if you are running any screen printing courses in the new year