Our first 2020 workshop will be held on Tuesday 17 March at Family Support Newcastle, (in the Meeting Room), 2 High St, Waratah, (Cnr Turton Rd and High St). The workshop will follow Hunter Arts Network’s Annual General Meeting. Tea, coffee, juice & nibbles from 5.30pm, AGM Starts 6pm. All welcome to attend – the entire evening has a lot on offer for our members!
The workshop will be presented by Abby Daly, Creative Services Assistant, Marketing and Communications, The University of Newcastle
Topics will include:
  • As an individual – using social media as a platform to promote your own artwork/business
  • Linking your social media accounts to one another
  • General do’s and don’ts on different platforms
  • Regularity of posting
  • Target markets and online networking
  • The advantage of having a business page vs a personal page