Hunter Arts Network, known as HAN, the group behind Art Bazaar, is bringing Art Bazaar back to Lambton Park for the second time this year on Sunday 17 November 2019 from 9am – 3pm for their annual Christmas market. Lambton Park has become a very popular venue for the event since it’s first Lambton market in 2015.
This year visitors can enter the draw for the chance to win amazing prizes created by participating stallholders. To enter visit the official HAN market tent on the day.
Some of the participating members and examples of prizes:
Martina Carney
Trena Lowe
Libby Callaghan
Anna Baba
Jo Wiltshire
Nina Moss
Maro Humphries
Betty lind
Eleanor Anson
Elizabeth Mackenzie
Janet Graham
Kathryn Deboer
Tania Weeks
Sylvie Mathian
Robyn Lane
Pat Davidson
Nancy Galea
Emily Gavranich
Suzi Zglinicki
Lindsey Goff
Eugenia Dunlevie
The highlight of the event will be the 60 HAN members whose stalls will be surrounded by the beautiful parklands & scenery at Lambton Park. Every stallholder is a local from the Hunter – purchase Christmas gifts direct from the creative maker’s hands. Art Bazaar has been running every year since 2002 with high quality, original, creative and unique handmade items.
Come and let the local creatives delight you with the wide variety on offer. Crowds will be treated to a wide variety of carefully selected stalls featuring premium handmade products. Art Bazaar has cemented it’s reputation as the event that showcases the Hunter’s creative & vibrant art community that locals & visitors look forward to three times every year.
HAN is a non-profit incorporated membership of artisans from the Hunter. HAN is run by a dedicated committee of volunteers who have worked hard to celebrate all modalities of visual arts
Art Bazaar 2020 dates – Sunday 5 April Speers Point, Sunday 30 August and Sunday 6 December at Lambton Park.
Applications are due by 20 October 2019 & once accepted we will issue an invoice. Payment must be made by 3 November 2019. The stall fee is $80 and HAN membership is from $65 per year. All stallholders must apply to become a member of HAN
[one_half_last][button link=”″ color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] Hunter Arts Network Membership[/button][/one_half_last]
[button link=”″ color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”]Art Bazaar Stall – New Member[/button]
[button link=”″ color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”]Art Bazaar Stall – Existing Member[/button]