Annual General Meeting

Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club location map - click for map and directions
Date: Tuesday 30th April
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club, 95 Hannell St Wickham.

Sorry – we needed to change the AGM date as we didn’t have all the paperwork completed for presentation.

It would be extremely valuable to get your comments on 2012 Art Bazaars so please come along and give feedback on all aspects: marketing, communication, setup and pull down.

There are so many wonderful and exciting opportunities being presented to Hunter Arts Network at the moment that we need your help in choosing what direction to take.   It truly is exciting times and we will give you a quick presentation on all the opportunities available so we can get your direction on which way to go.  Of course any new opportunities are going to take time to develop so we will also be asking for volunteers to take on some roles.  Anyone who wants to develop a career in Arts Administration will gain valuable experience.

Steve Dunkley from Social Life Magazinewill also give a presentation as they are always on the lookout for Artists to feature in the magazine.There will be a Treasurers Report, Presidents Report, Social Media/Marketing report, Call for committee members, Call for subcommittee members.
If you have an idea or wish to make a presentation, please contact – the agenda will go up on the website in the next two weeks.

Leah Fawthrop