The Newcastle Region Art Gallery is part of the Civic Cultural Precinct, and is located on the corner of Laman and Darby Streets, Newcastle, directly behind Civic Park and next to Newcastle Region Library.

Tuesday 18 August 6.00 – 7.00pm

Art Appreciation lecture series

Alison French, author of Seeing the Centre: The Art of Albert Namatjira, 1902 – 1959, will speak on his work.

Wednesday 19 August 10.30am – 12.30pm

Do you have a Namatjira?

Alison French will be in the Gallery for the morning to consult with the public concerning works by Namatjira they own.

Bookings essential on 4974 5112

Wednesday 19 August 10.00am – 12.00 noon

Gallery Society Public Art Tour

Tour of works in Christ Church Cathedral, followed by morning tea.

Members $10, non-members $15. rsvp 4974 5123

Sat and Sun, 22/23 August 11.00am

Free guided tour of current exhibitions. Meet the guide at front counter.

Sat and Sun, 22/23 August 10.30am – 12.30pm

artCART activities

Free hands-on art activities for young people every weekend. No bookings necessary.

sponsored by Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation