Back to Back Galleries (57 Bull St, Cooks Hill) is now calling for submissions for exhibitions at the gallery in 2012.

In March 1992, Back to Back Galleries was opened and this opening will be celebrated throughout 2012, our 20th anniversary.   We invite you to join us in that celebration.  There are 11 exhibition times available throughout the year in addition to the five celebratory events already scheduled which include our multi-artist, multi-media and ever-popular small and two major ceramic exhibitions.

If you would like to be considered for an exhibition, please complete the submission form and return it to the gallery (with all requested materials) by August 31st 2011.   Submissions which do not include all requested materials may be disadvantaged during the selection process.  Remember that the gallery’s priority is ceramics and your submission will be strengthened if it includes ceramic work.

Please find attached a submission form and a document providing a brief description of the gallery and what is involved in an exhibition.  A more detailed description (the gallery pack), along with a submission form can be found on our website at