Following the success of the past few Art Bazaar events in Civic Park, our growing membership and increasing interest in HAN, we are expanding.

HAN will be holding an Art Bazaar each season at different Hunter Valley venues.  The December Civic Park event will remain on the first Saturday of the month, however the 3 new events will occur on the 2nd Sunday of their respective months.

Autumn Art Bazaar

In the grounds of the Lake Macquarie Art Gallery on Sunday 11th March 2012

Winter Art Bazaar

In the grounds of Maitland Regional Art Gallery on Sunday 10th June

Spring Art Bazaar

We are in discussions with a fantastic venue in the vineyards – but don’t want to give anything away yet!

Summer Art Bazaar

Continues in Civic Park on Saturday 1st December 2012

Applying to be a Stallholder

Applications for the next event will open after we announce our “Call for Applications”.  Applications will be taken via an online form on our website.

If you applied and were granted a stall for the 2011 Art Bazaar, you will not need to go through the full application process, just register your interest when we call for expressions of interest for the next event.  If you did not have an Art Bazaar stall you will need to go through the formal application process.

Further information about applying will be posted on the HAN website and sent out to our database during late December / early January.


The HAN committee are now in the process of searching for sponsors and benefactors to help fund the administration and promotion of these three new events.

If you have any comments or enquiries regarding the new Art Bazaar events, please email us on