Back to Back Galleries’ next exhibition opening is Friday 29th October at 6pm

The works in this exhibition reflect four interpretations of Newcastle and its surrounds.
Primarily ‘environs’ is an exhibition highlighting the areas where each of us resides and
presents a collection of visual, social and environmental characteristics that provide
meaning to our location and the place these four artists have in it.

Judith Hill. Working farmland around Maitland offers a never-ending kaleidoscope of colour
and patterns depending on the time of day and the season. There is a sense that the
encroaching residential landscapes will never reach these areas.

Debra Ansell. My paintings for this exhibition not only pay homage to The Civic Fountain
and its creator (Margel Hinder), but also to humble utilitarian aspects of engineering and
design. With the right illumination, it becomes a feature of beauty. Isolated, it can stand
alone as an art form.

Anne Gazzard. “This exhibition contains work influenced by both the surroundings of my
living in the valley and the prospect of my future environs on the coast.” Landscape is the
predominant influence with rivers, valleys and mountains moving to watery horizons and
wildlife habitats.

Gwendolin Lewis. “For me ‘environs’ focuses on the city of Newcastle and surrounding
urban area.” Works on canvas and paper capture everyday images and bring them into
focus. “The subject of my works may be a local streetscape, a terrace house, a cafe, garden
or harbour scene.”

These four artists are inspired by their environment and their place within it.
Clay, pastels and oils, mixed media and experimental applications.

Newcastle Studio Potters Inc
57 Bull St Cooks Hill

Open Fri Sat Sun 11-5