Art Systems Wickham’s first show for 2015

Glass Awakenings is an exhibition of fused and kiln fired glass works created by local artist Fee Madigan. The exhibition depicts the relationship between life and art with Fee drawing her inspiration from the beauty of the world around her. Fee’s works are a response to the transitions that affect us all through life and by working with glass Fee feels enabled to release her inner conscious hold on aspirations and dreams resulting in her determination to push the boundaries of this medium to produce inspirational works.

Based in Newcastle Fee has been at the helm of the successful Art Mania Studio located at Wallsend for several years, creating an environment where art can be explored and enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Fee has drawn upon her previous corporate involvement in drug, alcohol and mental health rehabilitation to awaken within her the insight and vision to search for the beauty around and within us.

Glass Awakenings is Fee’s inaugural fused glass exhibition and has been designed to showcase Fee’s work as an artist and also to give Newcastle a peek at the creative concept of fused glass and the accessibility of this art form in their local area. Works in the exhibition will feature beautiful, functional and stand-alone pieces showcasing a varied range of creative processes.

Fee has invited Roger McFarlane, Don Stewart and Luka Basorios to join her in displaying some of their artistic creations in the exhibition. Roger is a renowned sculptor who works in both abstract and figurative styles using mostly stone. He has recently developed an interest in warm glass techniques and is exploring this medium as a way of adding a different value and dimension to his sculptures.

Don has developed a keen interest in the transformation which glass undergoes in the kiln, and how each piece that emerges is different to the way it was originally imagined. Luka is a young protégé of Fee’s through Art Mania Studio who is showing exceptional talent in the field of warm glass.

Glass Awakenings opens at Art Systems Wickham on Friday the 30th January at 6pm and will run for two weeks. Everyone is welcome to join Fee at the opening celebration for the exhibition.

40 Annie St, Wickham
Open : Fri / Sat / Sun
12 to 4 pm or by appointment
Ph: 0431 853 600