Our AGM is fast approaching, we are so proud of what we have achieved in the last 12 months. We are a not for profit organisation operated entirely by volunteers so your assistance either big or small makes a huge difference! We would love to see all of our members at the AGM
Tuesday 11 May 2021
Family Support Newcastle (in the Meeting Room), 2 High St, Waratah, (Cnr Turton Rd and High St)
Tea, coffee, juice & nibbles from 5.30pm, Starts 6pm
Limited free parking available on site in carpark as well as free on street parking. Access to the entrance is through the carpark and then go through the gate
– Call for committee members & subcommittee members
– Treasurers Report
– Committee Report
– Feedback is welcome on Art Bazaar & other activities
– New HAN website including Find a Creative and login for members
– The agenda will be available soon
If you have any items to add to the agenda or would like to register your interest in attending (spaces are limited) please email publicity@hunterartsnetwork.org
Membership fees can be paid at the AGM (cash only on the night)