Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery is hosting a free forum on art and disability on Monday 16 March 2015 from 9.30am to 1.45pm
This forum will bring together people working in the fields of disability, mental health and arts to discuss what services and arts programs are currently available in the region. The key aim of the session is to formulate how partnerships and networking can maximise positive outcomes for the sector including programming under the NDIS. The day will include short presentations outlining a few examples of what resources and programs are currently available as well as an interactive future program mapping exercise.
Lunch is included for those who wish to stay and network.
TO BOOK FOR THIS FREE EVENT: Please complete the LMCAG Arts and Disability Forum Registration Form and forward to Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery at: E: or F: 02 49658733 or T: 02 49658260 P: Arts and Disability Forum Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery Box 1906 Hunter Region Mail Centre NSW 2310.