The minutes from our AGM which was held at The Studio, Adamstown, on Tuesday 18 April 2023 are now available


Congratulations to our committee members who will be returning/joining us for 2023:

President – Max Greive
Vice President – Leanne Triggs
Secretary – Lyn Abbott
Treasurer – Kim Martin
Public Officer – Justine Atkinson
Media/public relations – Margo Humphries
Membership officer – Kay McEvoy

General committee members:
Eugenia Dunlevie
Pat Davidson
Emily Wise

Reminder that new members are always welcome to be involved with our great organisation! Occasionally we have a number of positions that require filling, or you might like to join us one night at a committee meeting to find out what we do and see who we all are! We rely on volunteers and after years of hard work our committee has made HAN the success it is. Email us: