There will now be an annual call out for co-presenters to join TiNA at a programming level. We are looking for 2 new co-presenters to join in 2015. There will be an info session in Newcastle on 14th January 2015 and Sydney on 16th January, with applications closing on 27 Jan.

We are looking for volunteer curators to join the PODspace team in 2015. The opportunity exists to curate one or two exhibitions at Four Point Gallery as part of our pop up program. Applications close 23 January 2015.

We would also like to introduce you to the new TiNA Executive Producer – Kate Britton – who will start in January. Kate has extensive experience across independent arts festivals and events, and we are really excited to have her on board.

This does mean though that we are saying farewell to Sarah Thrift, who has been in this role for the past 3 years. We thank Sarah for her dedication to the role and passion for Newcastle and independent arts.