13 JULY to 02 AUGUST 2009
In conjunction with the 2009 International Academic & Community Conference on Animals & Society: Minding Animals, Newcastle Art Space presents
Feathers – Conversations – Control
three animal artists – three visions
Alison Green – Perdita Phillips – Tamara Kenneally
opening monday 13 july from 6.00pm
Alison Green is well known for her detailed and accurate silk-screen prints of Australian birds. For nearly 0 years, after studying Fine Arts, Alison has combined a life-long love of the silk-screen printing technique, a assion for the natural world and careful draftsmanship to produce respectful and beautiful depictions of Australian wildlife.
Tamara Kenneally is a Melbourne based photographic animal artist with a degree in Media Arts (fine art photography) and a post graduate certificate in animal welfare. Her interest in animal welfare and animal rights shines through into her work. Tamara hopes her audience walk away from her work with a greater understanding and compassion for animals.
Perdita Phillips was artist in residence at the Murdoch University School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences. Her aims were to explore the boundaries between the human and nonhuman worlds and their spatial expression in this institutionalised setting. This grew into the mapping featured here of a network world of animal representations. The digital prints, collages and drawings are explorations of what it might be to make a patchwork world of connections.
newcastle art space
Location: 246 Parry Street Newcastle West 2302
Gallery Hours: 12 noon – 5pm Thursday – Sunday
Phone: 02 4940 8066