6.00pm Friday 12 March
International Women’s Day Event
Join us to view Margaret Dodd’s short film from 1981, This Woman is not a Car, followed by a presentation by artist Penny Byrne. Both Dodd and Byrne’s work is currently on display in the exhibition Clash: contemporary sculptural ceramics. rsvp 49745114 for this free event.
10.30am – 12.30pm, Sat and Sun, 13/14 March
artCART activities
Free hands-on art activities for young people every weekend.
No bookings necessary.
sponsored by Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation
11.00am, Sat and Sun, 13/14 March
Free Guided tour of current exhibitions.
Meet guide at front desk
6.00 – 7.00pm, Tuesday 16 March
Art Appreciation lecture series
Academic Una Rey will discuss works on display in the exhibition Story Lines: Indigenous works on paper.
5.30pm, Wednesday 17 March
Look Hear
Each week a range of speakers will discuss art, architecture and design. Free event. Full program available http://www.lookhear.com.au
12.00noon – 12.15pm Friday 19 March
Short bites
Join Gallery assistant Luke Thurgate in a short discussion of the work of Penny Byrne.
5.30pm, Friday 19 March
Artist forum
Join curatorial consultant Lisa Slade and artists Chris Capper, Toby Dupree, John Morris and Mazie Turner, in a duiscussion of works included in the exhibition Painters and Perception: four artists of the Hunter rsvp 4974 5114