Timeless Textiles is having a 14 hour stitch -a -thon on Saturday 8 March. Drop in anytime between 6am and 8pm have a chat, a stitch and a drink- and add a stitch or two, an old button or any scrap of fabric to their ever increasing white ribbin. Stay and celebrate what has been been achieved in 14 hours with drinks and nibbles between 7pm – 8pm on Saturday 8th, launched by Nicola Henley, visiting fibre artist from Ireland. No experience required. A stitch – a -thon leader will be on hand to assist you.

Contact : Wilma Simmons, wilmasimmons@hotmail.com or anne@timelesstextiles.com.au

Visit http://www.whiteribbon.org.au/events/international-women-s-day-stitch-a-thon-2014

7 Beaumont St, Islington, ph 49616660