Venue: Mallabula Hall, Lemon Tree Passage Rd, Mallabulla
Preview Evening: Thursday 2nd April 6pm
Opening Hours: Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th April: 10am – 4pm daily
Enquiries : 0412083157 or 49845671
Entry Members $2 per entry, Non Members $5 per entry
Closing Date for Entries: Monday 30th March 2015
Members may place their entry forms with payment for their entries inside the pencil case marked exhibition. This will be kept in the TAG bag from the 1st March.
Please bring your paintings with the labels completed and attached to the bottom side work. A record will be kept of paintings received for the exhibition and those sold. Please photocopy if you need extra labels. If you live locally there will be a folder with labels printed on card on the table out the back of the gallery.
As with previous exhibitions our craft items will be also displayed for sale.