renew membership han 2016

Hunter Arts Network thanks you for your continued support in 2015. Membership is due from 1 January every year. Your membership helps HAN to continue as a non-profit incorporated association.

We will be emailing an invoice to financial members (financial members do not have to reapply for membership, paying the invoice will renew your membership).

Renew  by 1 March 2016 to be financial for a stall at our next Art Bazaar at Speers Point Park on Sunday 3 April 2016, vote at our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 15 March 2016 & receive discounted members entry  to our next Professional Development night with Dani Marti on Tuesday 19 April 2016 (both are being held at The Salvation Army Oasis Hunter, Hamilton)

New members are welcome to join. As a HAN member you receive a range of benefits & discounts including the opportunity to sell your work at three Art Bazaars every year, share your events & news on our social media sites, e-newsletter & website; have an artist page on our website, & attend professional development nights. The fees are $55 for individuals, $80 for groups of 3 or less & $100 for large groups:

Recent accolades for Art Bazaar include 2015 Hunter Local Business Awards Finalist, 2015 Stockland Community Grants Winner & 2014 QantasLink Hunter & Central Coast Awards for Excellence in Tourism Finalist